Guangdong Haisun New Material Technology Co., Ltd.

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GTX-E11 Roll Coating Water-Based Anti-Swelling Sealant

Model: GTX-E11

GTX-E11 is made of high-performance polyurethane dispersion coating with special synthetic process. It is suitable for sealing the bottom layer of high-grade solid wood and can effectively prevent wood from swelling.Also can be used as primer for its excellent sealing and filling effect.


[Product Overview]

GTX-E11 is made of high-performance polyurethane dispersion coating with special synthetic process. It is suitable for sealing the bottom layer of high-grade solid wood and can effectively prevent wood from swelling.Also can be used as primer for its excellent sealing and filling effect.

[Scope of application]

sealing coating for wooden door and high-grade customized furniture.

[Product Features]

Quick drying.

Good sealing.


Suitable for varnish coating system.

[Implementation Standards]


[Packaging and Storage]


Store indoors at room temperature,shelf life: 6 months.

[Application Technique]

Surface treatment: the surface of the substrate must be clean, dry, dust-free, oil-free, impurities-free, and polished flat.

Application methods: roll coating,through leveling machine and baking dry for 15-20 seconds.

Dilution ratio (weight ratio): GTX-E11: Water = 100: 0-10 (water dosage will vary according to different application environment and application methods.)

Application viscosity: roll coating 130"to 160" (coating 4 cups/25 ℃).

Matching system: need to be matched with our company’s primer.


Water-based products cannot be mixed with oil-based products,otherwise, it will be insoluble.

Use and mix immediately, stir well and stand for about 15 minutes to eliminate bubbles generated during stirring.

Application indoor temperature: 5℃-40℃.

Application environment: if the air pressure is lower than 1 atmosphere, please test before application.

Keep the application environment clean and avoid mixing of oil, dust and impurities during application.

Coating should not be too thick, in case of slow drying, cracking and other defects. The recommended roll coating dosage is 25-45g/㎡.

If the surface is flat,no need to be polished when roll coating.

If the water paint is not be used up at one time, in case of affecting the quality and application effect of water paint due to volatilization or inhalation of impurities, it must be sealed immediately.

[Technical Indicators]


Solid content,%


PH value



