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Why does the wood crack and what should I do if it cracks?

Why does the wood crack and what should I do if it cracks?

28 Dec, 2022

The most annoying thing for people who play with wood is that the wood cracks. But wood cracking is a normal phenomenon. Not letting it crack is abnormal. And our various methods are changing the normal phenomenon. Understand this, and when you encounter cracks again, maybe you will feel much calmer...

Generally, wood has a moisture content, which is controlled at about 12% or below. The temperature and humidity of different places are different, and the humidity of the air is the key to determine the moisture content of wood. For example, the average annual moisture content of wood in Beijing is 11.4%, Shanghai is 16%, and Wenzhou and Haikou are even higher, reaching 17.3%. When wood comes into contact with air, it absorbs moisture from the air.

In order to balance the moisture content of the furniture with the moisture content in the air, the dry air continuously absorbs moisture from the furniture, so that both sides reach a balance. In the process, it will naturally crack.

There is no wood that does not crack, and even cement steel bars will deform and shrink. Generally, the real mahogany belongs to the dead cell tree, which will crack slightly, but will not burst or break through. The impact is not big, and mahogany furniture should pay attention to maintenance at ordinary times.

Many newbies will theory to the seller when they encounter a crack, saying that it is a defect. In fact, wind cracking is a natural wood release process, and it is necessary to accept the cracking of the wood.

In general, the main reason is the climate relationship. The temperature and humidity in the home are different, which leads to the change of the moisture content of the wood, so there are reasons such as cracking and deformation.

Some people say that raising flowers, raising fish, and putting a humidifier at home to control the humidity can prevent wind cracking of furniture and handicrafts, and some people should place their furniture away from heating, which is also reasonable. There is also a wood player who said it well, wood cracking is the natural survival state of the material, don't worry, you can ignore it, let it go, after the baptism of the years, can you have to show the charm of the material itself.

Haisun quick-drying water-based wood lacquer, high sealing, anti-expansion, all-round penetration protection, quickly penetrates into the interior with the wood conduit and closely combines with the wood fiber, effectively sealing the wood, so that the wood does not exchange moisture with the outside world. Whether in the north or the south, or in summer and winter, mahogany furniture will not crack or deform due to environmental factors such as humidity changes, excessive cold, and overheating, making the furniture sturdy and durable. No cracking, no deformation, furniture painted with Haisun quick-drying water paint is more valuable to be treasured, passed down for a hundred generations, and lasts forever.